Scarlet Thread

>> Sunday, March 23, 2008

I stole a great Easter idea from a friend this year. I tied different colored yarn to each Easter basket before hiding them. I wove the yarn throughout the whole house, in and out of furniture, creating a beautiful web. (Well, it was beautiful until I had to figure out how to get our 100 lb. golden retriever through it to go outside!!) Anyway, I left the rest of the yarn at the top of the stairs with their names on each corresponding color and instructions to follow the "bunny trail" to their baskets. It was so much fun watching them rolling up their yarn and getting tangled up with each other. It created a memorable experience.

As we were sitting in church this morning I was thinking that the colored yarn that led my children to their baskets is like the scarlet thread each one of us is invited to follow. This particular thread, however, doesn't lead to a basket full of temporary leads to life everlasting! The thread is colored scarlet because it's covered in His blood which was shed at the cross, payment in full for our sins. Just as one single thread led my children to their destination, Jesus is the ONLY way to our final destination.

This Easter, I am so thankful that God threw us a lifeline named Jesus which leads us back to Him. I am thankful that His death on the cross redeemed me from my sinfulness. But more importantly, I'm thankful that He rose again three days later. Without His resurrection, Jesus would just be another great figure in history. It was the fact that He conquered death that we celebrate. Because He conquered death we have reason to hope. We have something powerful to believe in. I know of no other God that is worthy of our praise.


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