Super Simple Salmon Stew

>> Saturday, February 21, 2009

We've been getting a lot of great salmon from our food co-op lately. But I can only eat baked salmon so many times. So I went in search of something else to do with all this healthy fish. In the end, I came up with my own concoction that was so incredibly simple to make but tastes even better! Here's my recipe but keep in mind I don't measure, so these are basic guidelines...

1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
4 potatoes, chopped (I don't peel to keep it even simpler)
chicken stock
olive oil

Saute the onion and garlic in the olive oil. Add potatoes and salmon and just enough chicken stock to cover. Add salt/pepper. Simmer until potatoes are soft (about 30-40 minutes). Just before serving, stir in a cup or so of milk into the whole pot. Serve with a pat of butter on top. YUM!! Leftovers taste even better.

And by the way, salmon is low in calories and saturated fat, yet high in protein, and a unique type of health-promoting fat, the omega-3 essential fatty acids. As their name implies, essential fatty acids are essential for human health but because they cannot be made by the body, they must be obtained from foods. Fish contain a type of essential fatty acid called the omega-3 fatty acids. Wild-caught cold water fish, like salmon, are higher in omega-3 fatty acids than warm water fish. In fact, the fat composition of salmon has recently been evaluated as superior not only because of its rich omega-3 content, but also because of its great ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s and its health-supportive balance of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Each of these features in the fat composition of salmon helps reduce risk of unwanted inflammation and help maintain the integrity of our immune and circulatory systems. In addition to being an excellent source of omega-3s, salmon are an excellent source of selenium, a very good source of protein, niacin and vitamin B12, and a good source of phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin B6. (taken from


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