Practice What I Preach

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am having a very emotional, stressful week so I haven't been able to blog recently and I'm not going to be able to blog much this week. I will say, however, that I haven't been practicing what I preach this week at all. I have fallen off the wagon and turned to my comfort food, or in my case drinks...coke and coffee. Probably two of the worst things, especially in times of stress. AND I feel it in my body. I've been having more frequent headaches, less energy, etc. This is a slippery slope I'm on and I'm going to have to stop it before I get too far gone. I'll report back in a couple days or so what my game plan is for getting back on track and for undoing the damage I've caused.


Anonymous March 17, 2009 at 11:41 PM  

Oh, I hope you are okay. I'll be praying for you. Love you and your family to pieces.

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